Section 3.6 one-dimensional models: bent beam
In describing the bent beam model, we will follow the same scheme adopted in the previous section for the stretched beam. The general premise, see Subsection 3.5.1, is always valid, therefore the considerations underlying the one-dimensional reduction and the observations made during the presentation of the model of the stretched beam always apply without any modification. In the following discussion we take as reference a different 3D solution, i.e. the solution found for the prismatic solid simply bent, see the Subsection 3.4.2.
Subsection 3.6.1 the reference given by the beam axis
Evaluating the displacement field obtained for the prismatic solid simply bent, Eqs. (3.4.25), (3.4.26) and (3.4.27), along the beam axis it gives
solution which establishes that the beam axis deforms following a parabola contained in the \(X_3 \text{,}\) \(X_2 \) plane and everything is determined only by the displacement component \(u_{2} \) directed transversely to the axis.
which highlights the link of \(u_3 \) with the displacement component \(u_2 \) of the beam axis. On this basis we can evaluate the component \(\varepsilon_{33} \) obtaining
which shows also how \(\varepsilon_{33}\) depends on \(u_{2}\) component relative to beam axis.
What has been discussed can be reformulated on the basis of the notation currently used, see the figure below, in our model for a plane bent beam.
Subsection 3.6.2 internal work
The one-dimensional formulation of the internal work (3.5.1) becomes
is the bending moment which is the static entity of the one-dimensional model, and
represents the curvature, the kinematic entity work-conjugate with \(M\text{.}\) The measure for \(M\) is \(\left[\text{F}\,\text{L}\right]\) and for \(\chi\) is \(\left[1/\text{L}\right]\text{.}\)
Subsection 3.6.3 elastic constitutive law
The definition of the elastic constitutive law for the one-dimensional model is obtained by reworking Eq. (3.6.8) as follows
and then
Relationship that highlights how the proportionality coefficient that defines the link between \(M \) and \(\chi \) is given by the product between the Young's modulus of the material and the moment of inertia of the cross-section of the beam, \(J = \int_{A} y^2 \, dS \text{.}\)
Subsection 3.6.4 external work
Also for the bent beam, as already done for the stretched beam, the model does not limit itself to treating only the external loads, shown below, related to the 3D solution taken as a reference.
where the end moments perform work on the beam rotations, rotations that are related to the transverse displacement \(\func{w}{x} \) through the relationship
Hence the following expression of external work follows
As a consequence of this choice, the variability of \(\func{w}{x} \) is extended beyond the quadratic pattern, while bending moment and curvature, unlike the 3D solution from which we started, can be more than constant and described by generic functions \(\func{M}{x}\) and \(\func{\chi}{x}\text{.}\)
Subsection 3.6.5 virtual work principle and equilibrium equations
With respect to our bent beam model the virtual work principle can be written as
At this point it is necessary to apply the integration by parts to internal work twice in order to extract the equations of equilibrium and the static boundary conditions. Double integration by parts provides
The equality between internal and external work therefore becomes
From which the following equations are derived
Subsection 3.6.6 summary of the model
- Loads\begin{equation*} \func{q}{x}\quad \mathcal{M}_0 \quad \mathcal{M}_l \quad V_0 \quad V_l \end{equation*}
- Unknowns\begin{equation*} \func{w}{x}\quad\func{\chi}{x}\quad\func{M}{x} \end{equation*}
- Internal work\begin{equation} L_i = \int_{l} M \chi \,dx\,.\tag{3.6.21} \end{equation}
- External work\begin{equation} \begin{split} L_e = \int_{l} \func{q}{x}\,\func{w}{x}\, dx + V_{0} \,\func{w}{0} + V_{l} \,\func{w}{l} +\\ - \mathcal{M}_{0} \,\func{\frac{dw}{dx}}{0} - \mathcal{M}_{l} \,\func{\frac{dw}{dx}}{l} \,. \end{split}\tag{3.6.22} \end{equation}
- Strain-displacement relationship\begin{equation} \chi = - \frac{d^2 w}{dx^2}\tag{3.6.23} \end{equation}
- Elastic constitutive law\begin{equation} M = EJ\,\chi\tag{3.6.24} \end{equation}
- Equilibrium equations\begin{equation} \frac{d^2 M}{dx^2} + \func{q}{x} = 0\tag{3.6.25} \end{equation}
- Static boundary conditions\begin{align} \func{\frac{d M}{dx}}{0} \amp= -V_0\tag{3.6.26}\\ \func{\frac{d M}{dx}}{l} \amp= V_l\tag{3.6.27}\\ \func{M}{0} \amp= -\mathcal{M}_0 \tag{3.6.28}\\ \func{M}{l} \amp= \mathcal{M}_l \tag{3.6.29} \end{align}
- Kinematic boundary conditions\begin{align} \func{w}{0} \amp= \bar{w}_{0}\tag{3.6.30}\\ \func{w}{l} \amp= \bar{w}_{l}\tag{3.6.31}\\ -\func{\frac{dw}{dx}}{0} \amp= \bar{\varphi}_0\tag{3.6.32}\\ -\func{\frac{dw}{dx}}{l} \amp= \bar{\varphi}_l\tag{3.6.33} \end{align}
Also for the bent beam model the equations of the model can be used to eliminate \(M \) and \(\chi \) from the unknowns and maintain only the displacement \(\func{w}{x} \text{.}\) The following steps show how to achieve this
from which